Board Meeting FAQs


 Q: Are all Board Meetings open to the public?

A: Yes, except when the governing boards recess for an Executive Session.

 Q: How may I speak at a Board Meeting?

A: Citizen attendance and participation is invited and encouraged by the governing boards. 

During each board meeting, the chairman announces a Call to the Public which is the time for citizen input/comment. The chairman asks those wishing to address the board to raise their hand so they may be recognized. The citizen wishing to speak must state their name and address for the record. Individuals addressing the boards are typically limited to three minutes for their comments. The Governing Board cannot discuss or take legal action on any issues raised during the Public Forum unless they are agendized due to restrictions of the Open Meeting Laws. However, individual Board members are permitted to respond to criticism directed to them. 

 Q: What is the Governing Board Election Cycle?

A: The Buckeye Valley Fire District, North County Fire & Medical District, and the South County Fire & Medical District are governed by a five member non-partisan board elected at large by the registered voters of each District. Board members are elected to alternating four-year terms so there are at least two members elected every two years.

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Official website for the Arizona Fire & Medical Authority, the Buckeye Valley Fire District, the North County Fire & Medical District, and the South County Fire & Medical District.
Phone: (623) 544-5400 | Email:
18818 N. Spanish Garden Drive, Sun City West, Arizona 85375