Support Services
Support Services supports the Authority’s operations through the acquisition and maintenance of Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) vehicles, equipment and facilities. The section is responsible for the procurement and distribution of facility and vehicle supplies necessary for day-to-day functions of the Authority. Support Services consists of several groups, including:
Warehouse – responsible for the distribution of supply requests to each station as well as Authority headquarters and other facilities. This unit also manages the purchasing, receiving and warehousing of equipment and supplies. These include the requisites needed to maintain stations as well as firefighting tools and equipment.
Facilities – responsible for managing repairs and maintenance requests for all Authority fire stations and facilities. Also includes managing any major renovations to existing facilities.
Fleet Maintenance – responsible for the maintenance and repairs of all fleet Fire and EMS vehicles and emergency equipment. Also oversees the specification and purchase of new Authority apparatus and equipment.
New Construction - oversees the new construction of all Authority facilities to include station design, construction and remodels.