Residential Emergency Lock Boxes Installation
The Arizona Fire & Medical Authority (AFMA) Emergency Lockbox Program is designed to allow firefighters and emergency medical services personnel to potentially gain faster access and limit damage to homes and businesses during emergencies when no one is available or physically able to open the door.
The box itself is a thick steel box that has a locking faceplate on the front of it. This box is mounted to the home or business in a specific location so that during an emergency, AFMA personnel can use the keys locked inside of the box rather than causing damage to the structure in order to gain entry. The only keys to the lock boxes are controlled by the Authority.
During an emergency, every second counts. Please join with thousands of your neighbors and order your lockbox today!
The emergency lockbox can be purchased for a onetime fee of approximately $50. For more information, please contact the Authority Administrative Offices at (623) 544-5400.
After receiving your lockbox, AFMA staff will make an appointment to have the lockbox installed free of charge by Authority personnel.